Meeting Room

Classes & Events

Learn, play and celebrate with your neighbors

Classes and Events at The Herrick House

Here at The Herrick House, we always have good things going on. And chances are, you’ll find more than a few activities that pique your interest.

Our director of resident life organizes a resident-driven calendar of fun activities and events. Many involve small group activities and socializing with others — something that may help keep your mind sharp, reduce your stress and simply make you feel good.

Whether you enjoy physical activities like tai chi, painting classes when you’re eager to be creative, friendly trivia competitions, pet therapy, or crafts and card games, you’ll never be without something enjoyable to do. Live entertainment, shopping excursions, wellness programs and holiday events are some of the many other activities you’ll find on our schedule.

Have You Planned a Meaningful Activity We Should Add to the Herrick House Calendar?

We’re always looking to add more options to our residents’ activity calendar. If you have new ideas and would be willing to organize and lead a class or event, either on or off The Herrick House campus, call us at 978-922-1999. You could offer an art project, an exercise class tailored to seniors or a group discussion. Our residents enjoy interactive educational programs focused on health and wellness, travel and leisure, current events and more.

We're Here to Help 

Feel free to call us if you have any questions.